Tarpon, the silver king, is the most sought-after sport fish in Boca Grande. It is a fish that requires great technique to be successful.
Tarpon can be found in Boca Grande Pass mainly between March and July of each year. Tarpon are highly migratory, moving for their preferred water temperature of around 79-85°F. Thousands of tarpon make their annual migration to Boca Grande for the spring spawn. Large numbers of male & female tarpon get together in tight schools to eat & prepare for their long spawning trip. The hill tide crab flush is the main attraction for these tarpon as they gorge themselves for the extra energy they need to spawn. Tens of thousands of crabs flow in and out of the pass on the new & full moon afternoon outgoing tides. The tarpon take full advantage of this. Targeting tarpon during this time is done with great success. Join us on the Flyin' Hawaiian traditional tarpon drift boat to catch your fish of a lifetime!